Where the government failed, the private sector succeeded.
A new study suggests that e-cigarettes have helped cause one of the biggest drops in smoking rates ever recorded in Europe.
Published in the journal Addiction, more than six million Europeans have quit smoking and an additional nine million have reduced their cigarette consumption thanks to e-cigarettes.
Researchers say 48.5 million Europeans have tried an e-cigarette and 7.5 million are currently using the product. Of the millions using e-cigarettes, more than one-third (35.1 percent) have quit smoking and nearly one-third (32.2 percent) have slashed their smoking intake.
“These are probably the highest rates of smoking cessation and reduction ever observed in such a large population study,” said the study’s lead author, Dr. Konstantinos Farsalinos, in a statement. “The European Union data show that the use of electronic cigarettes seems to have a positive impact on public health for two main reasons: 1. High smoking cessation and reduction rates are observed, and 2. Electronic cigarette use is largely confined to smokers (current and former), with minimal use by non-smokers.”
Despite the positive results, governments everywhere are trying to either regulate it the same as tobacco cigarettes or prohibiting e-cigs from hitting the marketplace.
I switched from smoking to vaping 20 months ago after 6 weeks of dual use. Vaping reduced the challenge by 80%. As long as I can vape there is zero chance of relapse because vaping is a superior experience and free for practical purposes. There should be no interference with smokers switching to vaping.
7 years without a cigarette after smoking for 37 years (2 packs a day). I love E-cigarettes for freeing me from cigarettes. Yes, I still vape but at 0 nicotine, just flavor and not that often.
Over four and half years without regular cigarettes now, used to smoke nearly pack a day for 12 years. Vaping with 2mg/ml nic liquid (started out with 12mg, tried 15mg and after that i’ve been reducing).
I use to smoke close to a pack of cigarettes a day. I started to vape 3 yrs ago. First i started with 18mg of nicotine. I reduce it little at a time i vape 3mg of nicotine now.
I love vaping i no longer smell like cigarettes, i don’t run out of breath.
Since i first started to vape i had never had a cigarette.
I love vaping.
2 years without cigarettes. Never wanna go back.
just smoke a not lighted cigarrete , what you call a smokeless cigarrete, and thats how i quit my smoking habit for 30 years now it’s been 20 years since i quit smoking and it’s a month of doing a smoking cigarrete without lighting it, and at same time I drink a grapefruit juice whenever I feel like lighting a cigarrete, and since that time i never light or buy anymore cigarrette, I recomend what i did to remove your smoking habit it’s good for your wallet, your breath, your body or your clothes smell will deminish of tobacco odor. And I think it will prolong your life too for not getting all the sickness, attributed to this kind of bad habit, and also will teach how to praise God the Almigthy , for I pray a lot too at same time when I;m trying to really get rid of that vise. God Bless everybody. And Quit smoking that nicotine.
I haven’t had a cigarette in close to 7 years now {Oct. 19} thanks to ecigs. I was a 3 pack a day smoker for 37 years and quit accidentally using this smokeless alternative. There is no way to “smoke nicotine” and used in conjunction with vaping is not as addictive as we’ve been led to believe. No reason for me to decrease my level.