Shortly after Kmart announced Tuesday that it will be opening its stores at 6 a.m. on Thanksgiving Day until 11 p.m. on Black Friday, consumers lashed out at the giant retailer on social media because they feel what Kmart is doing to its employees is wrong.
Comments such as “shame on you,” “morally bankrupt” and “greedy retailers” were posted on Facebook and Twitter as well as on the company’s various social networks. Many of these individuals feel Kmart and other retail outlets should allow their employees to spend the time with their family instead of working.
After Kmart noticed the negative publicity, it announced that it will attempt to staff its stores with seasonal associates and volunteers. “This gives associates the opportunity to make some some additional money this holiday season,” Kmart stated.
A spokesperson for Kmart noted that the reason why the company, which is owned by Sears, made the decision to open earlier was due to customer feedback. A majority of respondents said they would prefer “flexible holiday in-store shopping times” in order to get the best deals of the season.
Other stores are opening on Thanksgiving Day but waiting until the evening to open the doors. Here are some of the companies: Toys R Us will open at 5 p.m., while Macy’s, Kohl’s, J.C. Penney and Sears will open three hours later at 8 p.m.
It is understandable that these retailers are opening earlier in order to increase their revenues in this weak economy, while also giving into the demand of customers. Perhaps some employees will enjoy the double time too. One thing that is important to remember is that no one is forcing customers to shop at these stores.
What should be made note of is that these same people who are complaining will most likely use other businesses that are open that day. For instance, households usually watch football games at home or at the stadium on Thanksgiving Day. This requires ticket clerks, food vendors, cameramen, television studio operators and many other workers.
Movie theaters, meanwhile, are showing the latest films, including this month’s “Hunger Games” sequel, “Thor: The Dark World” and “OldBoy,” which also require the work of ticket clerks, food vendors, cleaners and so on. Convenience stores, gas stations and restaurants are other great examples.
In fact, to avoid hypocrisy, complaining families everywhere should just sit inside their homes and not enter the marketplace that day to be consistent in their beliefs.
Maybe Ayn should have named the book Atlas Collapsed. This country is beyond repair. Sad.