What’s your opinion on the economy? Do you think the United States is on the right track or is it still spiraling out of control? Well, most Americans still think the U.S. economy is in a recession, and a growing number think the state of the country is getting worse.
According to a new study by the Public Religion Research Institute entitled “Economic insecurity, Rising inequality and Doubts about the future,” discovered that 72 percent of Americans think the recession is lingering on, while just over one-fifth of respondents say it’s over – the Great Recession officially came to a halt in Jun. 2009.
Thirty-seven percent say they’re in fair financial shape and 20 percent cite being in poor shape. Only seven percent report being in excellent financial shape and one-third note they’re in good shape.
Less than one-third (30 percent) believe the economy has improved in the past two years, while more than one-third (35 percent) argue that it has gotten worse in that same time frame. Thirty-three percent say it has remained about the same.
A troubling finding is that 36 percent of respondents purported that someone in their household had to cut back on their food consumption in order to save money during the past year.
“Overall, the Economic Insecurity Index (EII) finds that approximately 4-in-10 Americans live in high or moderate economic insecurity households, while 6-in-10 Americans live in households with low or no reported economic insecurity,” the report stated. “Specifically, 15 percent of Americans live in high economic insecurity households, and 26% live in moderate economic insecurity households.”
The study also asked the opinions of Americans on a wide variety of issues, including healthcare, workplace policies, the minimum wage, the role of the federal government in the economy and political parties.
The telephone survey was conducted with 4,507 adults between Jul. 21 and Aug. 15. It contains a margin of error of +/- 1.8 percentage points.
Fill really sorry for poor oversized and obese fat bastards.