Three Congressional Democrats – California’s Maxine Waters, Washington State’s Denny Heck and Wisconsin’s Gwen Moore – on the House Financial Services Committee moved last week to prompt the panel to consider re-authorizing the Export-Import Bank. The amendment was introduced in advance of the committee’s markup of President Barack Obama’s budget request.
The chart below highlights the Ex-Im Bank’s largest beneficiaries in 2007 and in 2013:
Indeed, the Democrats, despite their grandstanding and constant claims that they stand for the little guy, are just as much of big business cronyists as their Republican counterparts. Bottom line: never believe a word that comes from a politician’s mouth.
The cronyism of 1 party or the other is just a load of C**P. Both parties are corrupt, as corrupt as any government in the world and probably more than most. There is only 1 answer for the problems within America and that is to remove all present government structure and start a new, much more disciplined and legally prosecutable government, where the laws are simple and the punishments sever.