Just how bad is the global debt problem? Well, according to one financial analyst, it’s so bad that it could eventually kill millions of people on a worldwide scale.
Greg Mannarino, an analyst and contrarian investor of Traders Choice, spoke with X22 Report Spotlight and warned that the immense debt bubble has contributed to the population boom, and once that bubble bursts then millions will perish.
It may seem like paranoia, but he believes that there will be a scarcity in resources and wars will take place with countries vying against each other. With central banks embracing a debt-based economic model, money has to be borrowed from the future, but it can’t be paid back so our children and children’s children will be the ones to suffer the most moving forward.
Moreover, he believes if we didn’t have the ability to borrow money from the future then we wouldn’t be able to maintain the lifestyle we enjoy today.
Here is what Mannarino told the website:
“It’s created a population boom… a population boom has risen in tandem with the debt. It’s incredible.
So, when the debt bubble bursts we’re going to get a correction in population. It’s a mathematical certainty.
Millions upon millions of people are going to die on a world-wide scale when the debt bubble bursts. And I’m saying when not if… “
Mannarino also delved into the matter of negative interest rates, a policy instituted by the European Central Bank’s Mario Draghi and a couple of other European nations.
“They understand where this is going… Let’s put this into perspective… The world’s central banks, by going negative [interest rates] they’ve turned the entire financial system upside down. That’s how desperate they’ve become. They’re charging people to put cash into these institutions…
It can’t work. It’s not how it’s designed to work.
So, that should tell us all how close we must be to this moment.”
Although there is no dispute that central banks are creating a toxic financial environment in every region of the planet, Mannarino’s prediction of worldwide deaths may be just a bit exaggerated. With that being said, negative interest rates, debt and money-printing are banes to our existence.
i gus we cant live high on the hog i will servive anyway dont think you dont deserve what is coming to us just find some whare to hide and hope you dont starve to death in the mean time sorry for you wish the best