The socialist paradise Venezuela has an inflation problem.
Well, in fact, it has a lot of problems. But inflation is definitely a crucial issue in the Latin American country. Although the government states that inflation is at only 50 percent, one chart suggests that it is actually inching towards 500 percent. With Maduro and his gang of thugs only exacerbating the issues and implementing even worse government solutions, that inflation rate will likely soon mimic that of Zimbabwe.
As the bolivar collapses, the question must be asked: will the U.S. dollar ever experience such a scenario?
Here is the chart:
Even the Chinese and the Vietnamese communists realized long ago that they needed a market economy to prosper. Ditto for India, which dumped the old Ghandi era socialism. So what do the ideologically obsessed idiots in Venezuela do? They implement the same failed collectivist stalinist-leninist crap that ruined the Soviet Union that they borrowed from el idiota barbudo in Cuba (and we all know what a success story Cuba is). Way to go idiots! History repeats itself again and, as usual, it is all someone else’s fault.