Peter Schiff is out with a new video accompanied by Michael Maloney. The premise of the video is to show charts the government doesn’t want you to see. According to the two men, these charts suggest that a much bigger economic crash is coming soon, and ultimately you should prepare yourself for the day of reckoning.
One funny analogy by Schiff is in relation to the Federal Reserve and interest rates: “Just like somebody who’s overweight and talks about going on a diet in the future, they don’t go on one in the present.” Schiff contends that the Fed can’t raise rates without creating a significant economic event.
Note: it is a long video but it is an interesting and insightful one.
Yes an economic crash is coming. Far too many are not prepared and will become victims of their own making.
Those who are prepared need to continue such untill they no longer can because its going to be an ugly, bloody mess for years.
sorry but its hard for them to get prepared most dont have a job and food is getting higher rent is up there im not rich but i will do what i can i would grow food no land worked with a famer got more seed but no food i for one hope i have the means to servive i don,t get help from the gov, most people get add and then they say why do they get welfare or gov, pinshion the same thing in my book so help people get ready and stop biching about it