For a long time, the feminist movement was a good thing. Women wanted to vote, they didn’t want to be treated like a piece of meat and they wanted to be respected. The initiative was a good cause, that is until it became corrupted by ignorance and asinine arguments. Ultimately, the feminist movement is about revenge as opposed to equality. But oh well…
One of the latest ideas is that businesses are sexist because they put the air conditioner on in the summertime. This is not a joke. You can read it in the Washington Post. This is just the level of stupidity the ideology has become.
Anyway, it’s now believed that males are privileged, and this is why they supposedly earn 23 cents more than women. Another false premise (SEE: 9 statistics Patricia Arquette needs to read on gender wage gap myth and SEE: Women don’t get paid as much as men in sports because they don’t draw). In order to combat “male privilege,” people are supporting a comical petition that calls for a “Male Privilege Tax.”
Mark Dice is at it again with another video showing how many people would support such an idiotic idea. Dice disingenuously argues that women don’t make as much money as men and women have to deal with sexism all the time. The video just shows how people buy into the fallacies perpetrated by talking heads and politicians without actually doing the research.
Would you pay a “Male Privilege Tax”? If it’s found that women earn 40 cents more than men, will there be a “Female Privilege Tax”?
The feminist movement was never a gooe thing