We can’t get enough of Mark Dice’s “Man on the Street” videos. He has taken a break from petitions and instead is getting the views of Hillary Clinton supporters and her (false) campaign promise to repeal the Bill of Rights. Surprisingly, many people support this fake initiative.
One person said she definitely supports Clinton’s idea because “we need change.” One reason for this is because the Constitution is old and people and times have changed. Interesting…
Another Clinton supporter agreed with it and noted that it’s about “time to look at it.”
A different person admitted he didn’t know if he should support the plan because he hadn’t been following the campaign lately.
These types of videos, though are funny, are still important to view because these are the average voters that elect these people into office. Now, this isn’t a left-right issue because you can find these kinds of people on both sides of the aisle or on the political spectrum.
I started to laugh hysterically when I thought that Fox was trying to tell people that Hillary had promised to repeal the Bill of Rights. Then I looked at the articles are realized it’s just Fox’s damnable way of turning their audience against her. Interviewer Dice admitted that he was deliberately misleading people to say that Hillary’s campaign is pushing the repeal the Bill of Rights. The screen is filled with “Clinton backers approve Bill of Rights repeal” and calling it her “campaign promise”. Granted, the answers from the handful of Clinton supporters shown were pretty stupid – but how do we know how many other responses were edited out? What part do you suppose Fox’s riled-up viewers will remember? That Fox was misleading people, or that “Hillary made a campaign promise to repeal the Bill of Rights”? It’s a neat – if reprehensible – way of starting a negative rumor. Like when one Fox commentator says something, and then the rest say that “people are saying… ” Yes, people are, but those people are Fox.