Judge Andrew Napolitano has offered us a tremendous quote on the United States political system. It’s a poignant reminder for those following the 2016 presidential election.
There is no difference between Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton, there is no difference between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, there is no difference between Marco Rubio and Scott Walker, and the list goes on.
They all want big government, they all want and crave power.
Essentially, the only difference between the Republicans and the Democrats is that one is in power and the other one isn’t. It’s as simple as that.
Here is Judge Napolitano’s superb words that should be a constant reminder on the campaign trail:
We have migrated from a two-party system into a one-party system, the big-government party. There’s a democratic wing that likes taxes and wealth transfers and assaults on commercial liberties and there’s a republican wing that likes war and deficits and assaults uncivil liberties. Neither of them is interested in true freedom.
AS usual, Judge Napolitano has articulaed a truth that far too many are not willing to accept. There is a Professional Political Class, completly under the control, and working in concert of the Ruling Class Elitist for absolute control over the We The People Class.
This War against the People has been going on through the different admins over the past several decades; and will continue untill the WE The People Class smarten up and become Unified against it with the singular fopcus of Reclaiming and Restoring the Constitutional Republic.
Everything else is an insignificant “issue”, a distraction and a diversion from the real problems.
Unity of the WE The People Class is what they fear the most.
#Unity of The WE The People Class
I believe you may have misquoted Judge Napolitano a bit,”there’s a republican wing that likes war and deficits and assaults uncivil liberties.” . Wouldn’t it be ON civil liberties as opposed to uncivil liberties?