If it’s true then let’s be thankful for that!
Donald Trump, speaking in an interview with Yahoo! News, said the campaign of communist presidential candidate Bernie Sanders is over after the first Democratic debate. He explained that once Sanders refused to attack Hillary Clinton, the United States president in waiting, over her emails his campaign came to a crashing halt.
The Republican frontrunner also criticized Sanders over his political ideology:
“I think he’s a communist. I think he’s actually a communist with a socialistic bent. Anybody that would say that the Paris attacks were caused by global warming, there’s something missing. Even the most ardent global-warming believers aren’t buying that one.”
According to the latest polls, Clinton is holding a 23-point lead over Sanders, with 55 percent support compared to 32 percent. Trump, meanwhile, is in a statistical tie nationally with Ben Carson. (Numbers courtesy of Real Clear Politics.)
If Donald says it, it must have a grain of truth, and much more to question.