It’s been known for a long time that the Federal Reserve has a very cozy relationship with Wall Street. The duo’s relationship often involves taking long walks on the beach, sitting in a cabin by the fire during a winter storm and listening to Kenny G albums *shivers*. InfoWars has a new cartoon out that shows Fed Chair Janet Yellen dancing with Wall Street on the middle Class. It’s fun stuff.
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…And then…
…And then…
…The Big Short after The Closing Bell…
…And then… Uber Man to the rescue!…
…Quick! Get me somebody to get while I’m waiting… ”
They Live
Village of The Damned
John Carpenter
See, it’s not just some silly Hollywood Box Office feature anymore. “They” live while the vast unsuspecting majority…
…wait fot it…
…wait for it…
…No, not yet…
…Just a little longer folks…
…Cha- CHINK!!!…
…Don’t worry, folks…
…Our data proves we have it all figured out…
…Hey Rocky! Watch me pull another rabbit outa’ the hat-?…
…And now here’s something we hope you’ll really like…
…And now for a few brief words from our sponsors before we return to our regularly scheduled programming…
…And then…
…Bartender!- Make mine a double Dos Equis…
…And then…