What states are most reliant on spending from the federal government? Using data from 2004 to 2013, Pew Charitable Trusts put together a chart that made a list of states that rely the most on Washington. Mississippi was first on the list, while Wyoming was last. Here it is:
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A better list would be Federal Dollars spent in each State.
This tells me nothing. You cannot compare Montana’s GDP percentage (I million people) with California’s GDP percentage (38 million people). Or VA that has the Pentagon and major military bases in Hampton Roads area with West VA that has none.
I see that the guys at PEW are wasting money once again comparing Apples and Oranges coming up with meaningless charts.
Of course D.C. would be at the top of the list with all the government agencies located there. Congress and the Federal buildings alone account for the bulk of the spending, I am sure.