In the United States, total student debt is more than $1.3 trillion, which is more than auto loans and credit card debt. It’s unbelievable just how much debt students leave university or college with. Of course, blame the government for such excessive costs (SEE: Report: Two-thirds of college seniors graduated in 2011 with $27k in student loan debt).
So, how much could you buy with all of this student debt in the U.S.? MarketWatch has a neat little tool that answers it for you.
Here are a few examples the website provides you with:
“That much money is equal to: 6.2 times Walmart’s market capitalization, which is valued at $212,414,000,000.”
“That much money is equal to: 264,081,880,000 Taco Bell Value Meals at $5.00 per meal.”
“That much money is equal to: 29.3 times the value of Facebook shares Zuck will donate to charity, valued at $45,000,000,000.”
Try it out.
The lie that with a college education you will do so much better than someone without one, has made the Educational Industrial Complex fat with profit. Why are 52% of the 2014 college grads working in jobs that do not require a degree? Because most of the new jobs are low pay retail or food service.