For the last century or so, the United States government has just kept on getting bigger and bigger. It doesn’t matter if the White House or Congress is controlled by a Republican or a Democrat. The inherent nature of government is to grow, and, of course, to negate freedom.
Some of this year’s presidential candidates (*cough* Bernie Sanders *cough*) want bigger government. But considering just how immense Washington already is, the question must be asked: is big government ever big enough? Is there a maximum level that is acceptable to the ardent supporters of Sanders or the crusaders of socialism?
Prager University attempts to answer this question in a new video embedded below:
“Government” is never “Big Enough” to the average politician, as they only want to justify and sustain their jobs, power and absolute control.
The political mantra (lie) is alway “shrinking government”, but it will never happen unitl their is a Unity of the People that forces them to do such.