Republican frontrunner and billionaire real estate mogul has found a new supporter in Marc Faber, the contrarian investor and publisher of the Gloom, Boom & Doom Report.
Faber, speaking in an interview with CNBC, announced his support for Trump on Monday. Although he isn’t eligible to vote in the U.S., Faber noted that Trump is a much better option to sit in the White House for the next four years.
Dr. Doom himself just doesn’t want Hillary Clinton as president.
“I would vote for him for the simple reason that I think he’s the only one that can really defeat Hillary Clinton and I would do anything if I were an American not to get Hillary Clinton as a president, anything,” Faber said. “They basically hate Trump because he’s not the party insider. He brings some fresh air into the whole process.”
The latest polls have Trump leading by large margins in Florida and North Carolina. However, he’s behind Governor John Kasich by a few points in the ever important state of Ohio.
With socialism being one of the main buzzwords this election cycle, Faber also told the business news network that the world’s central banks will establish global socialism.
Faber warned that he could see a future where the government owns all the corporations and all the government bonds “and then we are back into socialism, into a planning economy.”
He believes central bankers are producing policies that monetize the debt. Alluding to Japan, Faber purports that the Bank of Japan (BOJ) is purchasing all the government bonds that the treasury is issuing.
“The central banks aren’t interested in what works, they’re interested in their own prestige. And they are so deep into it already and it didn’t work. They will increase the medicine,” said Faber. “Eventually, they’ll buy all the government bonds; they’ll buy all the corporate bonds, all the shares outstanding. Afterwards the housing market goes down, they’ll buy all the homes and then the government will own everything.”
But this socialism could be what Americans want. Millions of Americans are “feeling the bern” of 2016 presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, who promotes the concepts of socialism.
If this plan does through soon we will have 2 classes, the rich elite’s who run it for the government and everyone else living in 500 sq ft government owned housing in the slums. No one will own anything but the clothes on their backs. Welcome to AMERIKA.