Does former United States President Bill Clinton realize he’s campaigning for a 2016 election year as opposed to a 2008 one?
One of the most popular presidents in modern history delivered a speech in favor of his wife and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Speaking in Spoke, Washington, Clinton urged voters to support his wife in order to wipe our memories of the “awful legacy of the last eight years.” Ouch.
It’s an ouch because not only did he not toe the party line claiming how great of a president Barack Obama is, but that “legacy” does also include his wife.
Here is what Clinton said Monday (via ABC News):
“If you believe we can all rise together, if you believe we’ve finally come to the point where we can put the awful legacy of the last eight years behind us and the seven years before that when we were practicing trickle-down economics and no regulation in Washington, which is what caused the crash, then you should vote for her.”
This is very bad considering that Clinton said voting for his wife is like voting for a third President Obama term.
It has been very much reported that the Clinton family, especially Bill, dislikes the Obamas. Edward Klein’s “Blood Feud” explains the tumultuous relationship between the Clintons and the Obamas ever since the fierce 2008 Democratic primary.
Perhaps the Republicans can pounce on this clip for the general election.
Bill knows his wife is in trouble and wants to distance her from BHO BOZO. He wants to make sure dems do not cross over to Trump like they did for Reagan in 1980. Hillary Rotten Clinton is in trouble, big time. Many of my friends that only vote for D’s are just staying home this year.