Is the wussification of the United States and the $3 billion trophy industrial complex destroying the future of the country?
Recently, John Stossel of the Fox Business Network looked at how the meritocracy in America is being destroyed by those afraid to hurt the feelings of children by giving them trophies for just participating in something.
What is probably the most interesting aspect of this segment is the fact that there really is a trophy industrial complex. It’s worth $3 billion and has lobbyists in Washington for crying out loud! So of course they’re helping perpetuate the notion that everyone is great simply for showing up.
Unfortunately, a large portion of the country is complicit in this act. No one wins anymore, no one loses anymore. We’re all winners, except when we’re really not.
The clip is embedded below:
Myabe that is why the People are too afraid of standing for what is right, they are claimed to be “winners” even when they are losing.
Ahhh, mental manipulation at its absolute best!!