Donald Trump is searching for a running mate. The arduous search will consist of intensive vetting, discussions on policies and perhaps the petting of Trump’s hair.
Reports suggest that the Trump presidential campaign has a list of five or six potential running mates. Florida Senator (and water bottle) Marco Rubio has confirmed that he is not interested in being Trump’s running mate.
If Trump is still in the hunt for running mates then we have selected five sublime candidates to be his potential vice president. Perhaps these individuals would sway him away from interventionist and cronyist policies that he has advocated.
Here are the five candidates he should consider:
Ron Paul
A former Texas Republican congressman and three-time presidential candidate with plenty of experience inside Washington. Ron Paul could definitely talk about how important a foreign policy of non-interventionism is and how Trump should embrace free markets.
Thomas Sowell
A world-renowned economist who has opined on the troubles with government for several decades. He is a respected gentleman who understands free market capitalism and is quick to dismiss political correctness and shut down claims of racism. Thomas Sowell would be an inspired choice.
Tom Woods
A wonderful personality. An eloquent educator. A knack for Austrian economics. Tom Woods is someone who maintains sound principles and can definitely persuade some Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton supporters to jump on the Donald Trump bandwagon. Of course, he could also teach Trump a thing or two.
Lew Rockwell
Lew Rockwell is a seasoned political commentator and has many of the answers to today’s ever-growing list of problems. He understands how Washington works, and could very well use the White House platform to teach White House aides, congressmen and senators about freedom and liberty.
Walter Block
Libertarians for Trump? One of the greatest economists today co-founded the organization, though he confirmed that it would be disbanded as soon as Trump would win the Republican nomination. Block is an astute and charming economist who has a knack for presenting excellent cases for liberty (anyone read “Defending the Undefendable”?).
There you have it. If Donald Trump truly wants to change Washington and actually wants to achieve something in his first four years of his presidency (if he wins the general election, which he won’t; it’ll be Hillary Clinton) then these are five superb options.
Aren’t most of these guys well over 70? For example, if Tom Sowell were Trump’s VP for 2 terms and then was elected to be president for 2 more terms, he’d be 102 by the time he left office. Oh well, I suppose with age comes wisdom.