The Venezuelan government has declared a state of emergency. Venezuelans are forming mobs in order to loot flour, steal chicken and grab underwear. Now, socialist President Nicolas Maduro is seizing idle factories and is threatening to arrest the owners.
Things are looking really swell over in this “socialist paradise.”
Maduro announced sweeping measures over the weekend that would see paralyzed factories seized by the government and the detainment by the factory owners. Meanwhile, the government will conduct military exercises to combat alleged threats from foreign militaries.
Venezuela’s economic crisis has led not only to astronomical inflation and food shortages, but also an energy crisis – how ironic for a country with the world’s richest oil reserves. How can a factory operate if it doesn’t have any power?
Forget logic when it comes to the socialists in Venezuela. Maduro is scapegoating factory owners and will throw them in prison if they don’t continue on with production.
“We must take all measures to recover productive capacity, which is being paralyzed by the bourgeoisie,” he told the cheering, red-clad crowd. “Anyone who wants to halt (production) to sabotage the country should get out, and those who do must be handcuffed and sent to the PGV (Venezuelan General Penitentiary).”
And this is what millennials and Bernie Sanders supporters want?
The Wall Street Journal was eloquent in its latest piece about millennials and Venezuela’s socialism:
“Sadly, the 48% of millennials who support Bernie Sanders have no comprehension of the wonderful benefits of capitalism or the horrible pain created by socialism. This is because our liberal-biased media and schools love to attack capitalism. The only positive outcome of the tragedy in Venezuela will be if it serves as the global wake-up call about the disaster that is known as socialism.”
Millennials may not remember the mass suffering and destruction that occurred in the Soviet Union or under Mao Tse Tung. But they are seeing a living and breathing example of full-fledged socialism take place in Venezuela. Let’s guess: this isn’t really socialism, huh? That’s usually the excuse.
This is what you get when you mix central planning, price controls and socialism:
America, are you ready for this?? It’s coming. Maybe not today but it will be here.