Socialism has been a failure in Venezuela. Other Latin American jurisdictions that have embraced socialist policies have also experienced widespread suffering. So these headline-grabbing stories would surely interest 2016 socialist presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, correct? Nope.
Speaking in an interview with MRC, Sanders was asked about the socialist catastrophes in places like Venezuela. However, Sanders refused to comment, noting that he’s running for president of the United States. Fair enough. But then how come he doesn’t stop talking about Denmark and Sweden, two supposed socialist success stories? Why harp on these countries if he’s running for U.S. president? No consistency.
It’s always the same with socialists. There’s bound to be at least one person out there who will present the case that Venezuela was never really socialist. Ugh…
You can find the brief video embedded below:
The constant failure of socialism upon a country’s economy is evident. Yes he does not want to discuss it, because it blows his “ideaism” right out of the water.