A petition is floating around Venezuela. The petition is aimed at seeking to recall socialist President Nicolas Maduro. But if the socialist leaders get their hands on the petition then state workers could face serious repercussions.
Bloomberg is reporting that a top government official stated that the petition would be handed over to government ministries and state-run companies. What this means is that government workers would be intimidated to stay away from any efforts to recall Maduro. If they support the petition then why will likely be fired.
Venezuela would actually confirm the reports. Information Minister Luis Jose Marcano stated that the socialist party has the power to fire state employees who want to recall the president.
“Whoever has a position that is freely appointed and removable, those referred to yesterday by the PSUV on President Maduro’s instructions, evidently cannot be allowed to attack the Bolivarian revolution,” Marcano told a local news outlet. “A lot of these people end up sabotaging the revolution.”
At a recent rally, one top official in the socialist party averred that “revolutionaries must be in charge of state institutions” throughout “a revolution.”
Despite widespread confirmation of the purge of state workers, Maduro has yet to comment on the petition or what his politicians are saying.
Not only is Maduro confiscating guns from its citizenry in order to stave off a potential coup, he is actually threatening his biggest supporters: government employees.
This is just further evidence that every socialist government metastasizes into a dictatorship. And there is no way to defend yourself when the guns are gone. Of course, the politicians, the rich and famous, their bodyguards and criminals get to keep their weaponry. Why? Because they’re just as complicit in the mass suffering that the socialists in the Latin American country are doling out to the people.
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