One video is starting to go viral. It is of a woman named Annaliese Nielsen, a real smart peachy kind of gal who you would want to introduce to your parents and friends (if they were deaf and blind).
The video showcases this social justice warrior berating a Lyft driver because of something he had on his dashboard. Speaking in an annoying Valley Girl, vocal fry, upspeak voice, Nielsen begins to accuse the driver of white privilege because he had a Hawaiian doll on his vehicle dashboard.
The funniest thing about this video is that she referred to Hawaii as a continent. Yikes.
This is what the world is slowly coming to: being offended over a tiny figure and having an obnoxious voice. Nielsen is really giving women a bad name. Ninety-nine percent of women are strong, intelligent, thick-skinned individuals. The remaining one percent are women like Nielsen.
Here is the video embedded below:
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