For the last 18 months, Donald Trump pledged to make America great again. This slogan, which has been uttered by Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton during their respective administrations, was the cornerstone of Trump’s campaign. His supporters ate it up, and now Trump will have four years to try to achieve this feat. But will it be easy? No, says Peter Schiff, president and CEO of Euro Pacific Capital, who believes it will be a lot harder than Trump’s voters think. Here are his comments in the video embedded below:
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Well, Peter, if you cant sell gold then sell books. Frankly, you should create a Clifts version and give
them away for postage and shipping costs only. Here is your latest offer during the current gold blowoff. Give us something to be thankful for.
In a message dated 11/23/2016 5:12:07 P.M. Central Standard Time, writes:
A Special Book Offer for the Holidays
Dear Friend,
As the Holidays roll around again, allow me to suggest a great gift idea for friends or family who just can’t seem to come to grips with the economic basics that you and I take for granted.
As you look at the news today, especially at the student protests across the country, we see a generation that simply has no idea how wealth is created, how living standards increase, how money gains and loses value, how businesses grow, and how government interference in the economy doesn’t end well. The belief that capitalism seems to be at an all-time low and an avowed socialist is by far the most popular politician among today’s American youth.
How did this happen? Partly it is the fault of the economic decline we have experienced over the past decade, and part results from a horrible public education system that doesn’t teach economics at all. (Those who do study economics in college are exposed only to left-leaning academics.)
Given this desert of good economic ideas, my bother Andrew and I wrote How an Economy Grows and Why it Crashes, an illustrated economic fable that takes the mystery out of economics and provides people of all ages with the capacity to see through the left wing drivel that has come to so dominate the discussion. Although the book takes on serious issues, it has been widely recognized as a comic romp that engages readers of all ages, even those who never had patience with more formal treatments of the subject.
By setting the story on a primitive island with no functioning economy, we look to break down some very basic concepts, including savings, investment, capital formation, productivity, trade, employment, credit, inflation, debt, and banking. Along the way we point out the hazards of government interference and trace the origins of the current economic slump. The book is notable for hundreds of colorful, humorous illustrations, great storytelling, and lots of jokes (some better than others).
The original version of our book came out in 2010, and proved to be wildly popular. But in late 2014 we came out with an expanded and colorized “Collector’s Edition” which included two new chapters, a vastly increased format (twice as large as the original), and fully colorized illustrations. It is this “Coffee Table” version that we suggest would make a great gift.
I recently purchased a number of the “Collectors” edition from the publisher and I am making a special offer to my fans for the Holidays. For a cost of just $34 dollars, you will receive a new copy of the book signed by me. This is less than the cover price of the book, and includes shipping. New versions of the book are selling online for more than $40 and they aren’t signed!
So do your friends and family a favor this year and give them the precious gift of understanding. There places to find it are dwindling fast. Click on the link below to place your order today.
Signing each and every book that goes out can be a time-consuming operation so to be sure your copies arrive before the Holidays, order as soon as you can. This offer is only good for as long as supplies last! First come, first served.
Happy Holidays.
Peter Schiff
CEO & Chief Global Strategist
Euro Pacific Capital, Inc.
Euro Pacific Capital, Inc. is affiliated with Schiff Radio through common ownership and Peter Schiff serves as host of Schiff Radio.
Euro Pacific Capital specializes in international investments. International investing may not be suitable for all investors. To learn more, please contact one of our Investment Consultants directly for more information.
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When we enter the next recession gold is going to tank just like it did in 2008. Aug 2011 gold hit $1,947, today it is $1,178. Gold would have to go up 40% just to get back to where it was in 2011. The gold market is making money for the dealers 3 percent or more every time some one buys or sales. Why people think that you can buy and hold gold and come out ok. Look at the 100 gold price chart and you will see the only way to make money in gold is to buy low and then sell high. I am going to wait until the next recession hits and gold drops below $800, buy gold and then wait until it goes back over $1,200 and sell, a $400 profit on each oz., that is the only way to make money in gold. The people who bought gold in Aug 2011 and held it, might be waiting a long time before they break even.