Will a Donald Trump White House have bananas, coffee, avocados and cantaloupe? If the president-elect wants to follow through on his two promises then 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue won’t have any of these things.
Making a stop in Des Moines, Iowa as part of his “thank you” tour, Trump stated that his administration will follow two simple rules: buy American and hire American.
Here is his statement:
“My Administration will follow two simple rules: Buy American, and hire American. Remember years ago, we used to proudly display ‘Made in the USA’…We don’t see it. I don’t see it anymore. We ought to start doing that. Any of the manufacturers that were doing a lot of talking to a lot of companies that were thinking about leaving, and I tell ya, I don’t think they’re going to be leaving so fast anymore…
“The American worker built this country and now it’s time for American workers to have a government for the first time in decades answers to them.”
This means that the White House will lack an array of goods that are primarily imported from other countries. Paper (Canada), furniture (China), vegetables (Mexico), pharmaceuticals (Germany) and textiles (India) are just some of the items that the U.S. primarily imports. It also looks like the Trump staff will be fatigued without any coffee.
It can be cheaper to import an apple then it is to buy an American made apple because of cheap labor.
If Trump wants to keep his word then his administration can’t wear any Made in China clothing, can’t wear any shoes developed in Italy, can’t drive any vehicles manufactured in Japan and can’t consume beverages from France.
There are many questions to be asked by his simple statement. This kind of protectionist talk will only hurt the American people and make his staff look foolish if they use anything that is not made in the United States.
California, Florida, and Hawaii — frost-free, frost-free, and frost-free — are all American soil. Have grown everything from bananas to avocados to citrus fruits to mangos to pineapples on my SoCal property with no problem. Whenever you live in a frost free climate — it doesn’t matter how cold the temperature gets; what matters is whether or not the water inside the stems and leaves will freeze — the sky is the limit on what can be grown. Granted, there is the problem of dry weather in some spots when it comes to things like coffee, but that isn’t a problem in two of the three frost-free states that I mentioned (ironically not the one I live in, but that doesn’t matter anyway when we’re talking about the country as a whole).
I had a feeling someone was going to bring this up, as foolish of an argument as this is.
Mr. Trump said, My Admininistration will have two simple rules: ‘Buy American and Hire American Nice!!! http://www.BUYAMERICANandHIREAMERICAN.com