American politics is funny. Democrats and Republicans only care about the United States Constitution when it suits them.
For instance, President Obama pretty much ignored the constitution for the past eight years, and liberals cheered him on. Now, all of a sudden, liberals care about the constitution and are even citing the wisdom behind the electoral college, though incorrectly (the electoral college was designed specifically to protect the minority of voters).
For years, they said that the constitution was an antiquated document that should be thrown into the dust bin of history. Since November 8, they’ve been whining about the electoral college and decrying at how unfair it is.
But, as the video below shows, liberal celebrities once again care about the constitution and the electoral college. They’re even going as far as calling some Republicans brave, which is comical to say the least. They said they’re not asking you to support Hillary Clinton, except that they are.
Here is the newest video embedded below:
Typical of the communist mindset, anything you can do to convince the masses (The People) that you are looking out for their welfare; but, in reality they are only looking out for their position of power Over The People.
They always use “Mouth peices” to create and promote a “CON-vincing” Narrative; because they know they will be publicly questioned for their motives and actions. CONspicuisly quiet, and in the shadows.
Their “Narrative” always changes by the curcumstances of the moment, hoping that the short term memories of the People will allow them to continue their plan for domination and absolute control.
They are stupid enough to believe that the People are that dumb, and short sighted. The People know better, they are more aware now than before of these tactics being used against them.
Now they will speak up and call out the communist for their actions and their Narrative.
At least they better.