The United States government ran a $27.52 billion budget deficit in December, President Barack Obama’s final full month in the Oval Office.
According to a new government report, the monthly budget deficit is close to double of what it was in December of last year. Moving forward, experts are anticipating a widening gap between government spending and tax revenues.
What’s the primary reason? U.S. President-Elect Donald Trump and his plans to spend, spend, spend without caring about balanced budgets or a reduction in deficits and debt.
Moreover, the Republicans plan to add more than $9 trillion to the national debt over the next decade. Didn’t they complain for the last eight years about the Democrats’ reckless spending and indifference to deficits? George Carlin was right: you’re just shuffling feces around every two to four years.
It should be interesting as to what Paul Krugman thinks of this. Oh, right: deficits matter again!
Just another effort to collapse this nations economy to justify the need for the One World Currency and a One World Bank.
This has been evident for the past several decades to anyone willing to pay attention to anything more than their navel.
The Global Elitest push is becoming far more rapid, regardless of “Who Wins the Election”.