With Donald Trump now serving as President of the United States, there are several movements happening around the country to make an exit from the union. A new poll suggests that a record number of California residents support secession, a movement dubbed as “Calexit.”
According to a new Reuters/Ipsos Reid poll, 33 percent of Californians support a “peaceful withdrawal from the union.” This is up from 22 percent in 2014, which was the last time the state was polled about secession.
California presently has 39 million residents and is the sixth-largest economy in the world today. If it would secede from the union then it would have the numbers to support itself as a nation.
Is it likely to happen? Many in California are pessimistic that it would occur.
The Calexit initiative, which was named after Brexit last summer, was started soon after Trump was elected into office. What made the measure interesting was the fact that many on the left accused supporters of secession as racist for so many years.
Therefore, many conservatives and libertarians asked the pertinent question: are Calexit supporters a bunch of racists? Let’s face it: anyone who has supported secession for the last eight years were called every name in the book, including racist and bigot. Why is it OK for California to secede and not other states like Texas (Texit)?
Well, it’s one simple answer: it’s OK for the left to do it because they believe they’re doing it for the right reasons.
Although it’s rather unlikely that Calexit proponents have suddenly found a love for the U.S. Constitution, small government and the principles of secession, everyone should support California’s right to do so. If California wants to secede and form even bigger government then that is their right.
We should be pleased that we have the Internet because we can easily verify the progressives’ hypocrisies and double standards.
I thought we fought a Civil War over 150 years ago to stop states from secede. Even if you think it would be legal for CA or any other state to secede, it is not going to happen. CA has cities filling for bankruptcy and many other financial problems in the funding of their welfare state. They could not go it alone. If the U.S. Government charged them for defense of their boarders and other services it provides, CA would be no better off. But let them go, I am sure Mexico would like them to become a member.
I will donate generously to have CA leave the union. Just give us San Diego so we have a naval base and a way to secure the border with Mexico. I will then support all the progressive liberals in the rest of the country moving to Cali. The state would look like a third world county within five years.
CA is well on its way to being like a third world country, even if it stays in the union. CA has some of the widest income inequality in the nation and I do not see the Hollywood and Government elite doing anything about it. Lip service at best, more income redistribution (just not their income) at worse.
From the Midwest. Californication please secede. Make America Great Again!