For decades, pushed by the unions, federal and state governments have spent hundreds of billions of dollars on government education. Despite the quality of education deteriorating, test scores on the decline and enrollment hardly going up, taxpayers are forced to spend more money on a failing system. And the unions have the temerity to demand more money!
It is rather unlikely that anything serious will change in the near future, and this means zero school choice. The Republicans have been saying they want to dismantle or abolish the Department of Education for years, but nothing ever gets done. They also say they want more school choice, but nothing ever gets done. Simply put: the government will always impose itself on education, which doesn’t bode well for libertarians who want the state completely out of the education system.
One teacher explains that good teachers actually do want school choice, whether it’s the government system, charter schools or home school. Here is the latest video from PragerU embedded below:
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