First things first, let’s get this out of the way: United States President Donald Trump should have selected Judge Andrew Napolitano for the Supreme Court.
Moving on…
The president announced Tuesday that he has chosen Neil Gorsuch as his pick for the Supreme Court. This caused massive outrage among leftists and Democrats, and demonstrations were established in opposition to Trump’s choice (anyone he picked would have been protested against, whether it was Michael Moore, Paul Krugman or Chuck Schumer).
It is quite likely that the average person has never heard of Gorsuch so it can be hard for them to disseminate his record and what kind of justice he will be for the next little while.
Judge Andrew Napolitano appeared on “Tucker Carlson Tonight” to discuss Gorsuch. Here is the video embedded below:
Also, here is what Tom Woods wrote in a recent email:
For questions like whether Neil Gorsuch is a good guy, I have two go-to people.
One is Kevin Gutzman, with whom I wrote Who Killed the Constitution? in 2008.
And Kevin is happy about the pick, as he said on the radio today.
The other is Judge Andrew Napolitano, whom I haven’t written a book with, but who is the godfather of our daughter Sarah.
And he is very pleased indeed.
“I’m ecstatic over this,” the Judge told Tucker Carlson. Gorsuch “is the most worthy jurist in the country to fill the shoes of Antonin Scalia.”
Gorsuch brings a “Scalia-like dose of skepticism” about government, the Judge added.
I’ll do some reading, but if these two guys say this is a good pick, well, that’s good enough for me.
With that out of the way, let’s summarize his record and positions to see if he will actually be good for libertarians and conservatives, liberty and the U.S. Constitution:
– Supports giving money to politicians as a constitutional right.
– Defends religious liberty among businesses, whether they’re corporate behemoths or some shop in Biloxi, Mississippi run by Ma and Pa.
– Opposes judicial activism and advocates constitutional originalism.
– Supports states’ rights and federalism; he is wary of federal power and federal law superseding state law.
The two downsides are that it seems he supports the death penalty and opposes assisted suicide or euthanasis. On the death penalty it is important to note that the courts make mistakes and it is wrong to take the life of someone who is innocent. On assisted suicide/euthanasia, if you are a consenting adult then you have the right to take your own life.
Moreover, here is a chart that compares Gorsuch to the political spectrum; it suggests that he is somewhere in between Atonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas:
Overall grade: B
I unsubscribed several times to your ridiculous blogs…..they are so absurd that they’re (1) comic, and (2) a waste of time. Get off this mailing……….why do you keep coming back?
Another step in Restoring and ReClaiming this Constitutional Republic from the hands of the Global Elitist.