Has Donald Trump finally listened to Ron Paul (and Bill Clinton)? A new report suggests that he may have.
According to the Washington Post, the United States President could issue an executive order that cracks down on current and potential immigrants taking advantage of government welfare. The report explains that a plan may be installed to gradually prevent future immigrants from requiring help from U.S. taxpayers.
Here is an excerpt from the report:
“A second draft order under consideration calls for a substantial shake up in the system through which the United States administers immigrant and nonimmigrant visas overall, with the aim of tightly controlling who enters the country, and who can enter the workforce, and to reduce the social services burden on U.S. taxpayers.
“The drafts are circulating among administration officials, and it is unclear whether President Trump has decided to move forward with them or when he might sign them if he does decide to put them in place.
“The second order, titled “Executive Order on Protecting American Jobs and Workers by Strengthening the Integrity of Foreign Worker Visa Programs” calls for “eliminating” the “jobs magnet” that is driving illegal immigration to the United States, according to a copy obtained by The Post.
“The order would rescind any work visa provisions for foreign nationals found not to be in “the national interest” or in violation of U.S. immigration laws.”
Simply put: an alien can be denied entry if they may be on welfare or deported after five years if they receive a specific amount of welfare, including food stamps, Medicaid, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and other programs.
If the reports are correct then this is a far better direction the U.S. can take than last week’s immigration restriction or the president’s proposed border wall. But, we’ll believe it when we see it.
Ultimately, in the end, it looks like the president may implement a welfare wall that complements his border wall. Former President Bill Clinton recommended this in 1995 and Ron Paul has been advocating for this for years (SEE: Ron Paul says border wall will fail, urges Trump to end welfare, drug war).
Take away the “freebe incentive” that the globalist want to use to economically cripple our nation and the problem will fix itself; they just wont come here if they actually have to work and support their own, themselves.
I agree with you Rabelrouser!