Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz and Vermont Independent (socialist) Senator Bernie Sanders appeared on CNN’s “Debate Night” earlier this week to discuss Obamacare and government healthcare in general.
It is pretty clear that Cruz was victorious in the debate. There was a great moment in the debate when Cruz started laying out the numbers, which were in the trillions of dollars. You could see how uncomfortable Sanders was with the facts and figures.
Here is that clip:
Pretty good, correct? Well, as Cruz soared he then crashed and burned in his closing statement.
Rather than promoting free market healthcare, Cruz started talking about a Republican-style of government healthcare. Essentially, Cruz simply replaced one form of centrally planned healthcare for another. Indeed, allowing you to buy insurance in different states is a step in the right direction, but the ultimate objective should be government removed from the healthcare picture.
Cruz even conceded that government is the cause of the healthcare problems. So why have a role at all?
Here is that clip:
I hope he (both) understands why the People rejected their bids for Preident.
But I dont beleive they ever will.