Since November, the American people have been inundated with reports and speculations, op-eds and punditry that Russia hacked the 2016 presidential election. Without any concrete evidence that Vladimir Putin forced more than 60 million Americans to vote for Donald Trump, the intelligence community wants the public to believe Hillary Clinton lost because of Moscow just because it says so.
OK. Let’s say that Russia did hack the election. Here is one sad realization: the billions of dollars spent on the CIA, NSA, Department of Justice and other branches of government have been a total waste of money.
With that being said, when do U.S. taxpayers get refunds?
— 🌙SkyTruthNative🍃 (@fullmoondweller) March 31, 2017
These so-called snoop agencies are useless liars anymore.
Besides, I think it was the CIA that leaked the DNC e-mails anyway. And I haven’t seen any evidence that makes me believe otherwise.