If there is one chart that you look at it today you should make it this one from the American Enterprise Institute (AEI).
Using data from the United States Department of Energy, it takes 79 solar workers to produce the same amount of electric power as one coal worker. It also takes 79 solar workers to produce the same amount of electric power as two natural gas workers.
Here is the chart:
Mark Perry of the AEI sums it pretty nicely:
The goal of America’s energy sector isn’t to create as many jobs as possible (as the NYT article would apparently have us believe) especially the politically-favored and heavily-subsidized renewable energy jobs. Rather, the economic goal is to produce as much electric power as possible at the lowest possible cost, and that means we want the fewest number of energy workers!
Unfortunately, it’s the fault of the politicians who constantly espouse the incorrect idea that jobs are an economic benefit (SEE: Paging Milton Friedman – Pope Francis warns of ‘very grave sin’ if you fire workers). Remember, the ultimate objective of any society is to have the fewest amount of workers producing the greatest amount of output.
Of course, basic economics is never something that politicians value.
The global warming, climate change believers are as bad as religious fanatics. They want everyone to stop using fossil fuels, today, no matter what the cost. They do not realize that technology will bring about the changes that they want now, by 2050 anyway and it will be much cheaper.