You have likely heard by now that all white people are racist and are responsible for what happened over the weekend. The left will constantly say that white people are KKK members and Nazis, causing them to make fools of themselves.
But you would be surprised to find out what so-called hate organization is leading the country.
According to data from Statista, the most active hate group in the United States today is the Black Separatist movement. Here is the chart:
All of these groups are ridiculous in nature, and they don’t provide any real discourse and dialogue to any issue. The best response is to ignore them.
This is ridiculous! How many of you have actual evidence in your own towns and states of black people separating themselves…the ghetto? And if you saw it, was it threatening to you your physical person in any way?
Nice try!
Name the groups whereabouts because I have been alive over 50 yrs and lived in 7 states…I would like to meet this huge group of folks…
I’ve lived in 10 states in just the last 12 years and can tell you that there are black hate groups that specifically target white people. Orlando, Charlotte, Seattle, CHICAGO, Dallas. Easy question for you (if you’re white)….Do you feel completely safe driving into a predominantly black area ally by yourself, late at night? You think the black gangs are assimilating to society? The ‘huge’ group of people is found in most large inner cities where they teach their children to hate whites and that whites are responsible for all of their problems yet they don’t mention how slavery got started, that 72% of their children are born to single mothers or that they account for 50% of the murders in this country while only making up 13% of the population.
Black life matter. There is definitely a hate group
orrect. They refuse to read a history book or any book at all. Black Americans behave egregiously becasue the Democratic NOT LIBERAL Party encourages them to do so. True liberals believe their are no special victims that everyone is equal and deserves a fair chance. Liberals do not belive ONE GROUP deserves special treatment that is entirely a Democrat idea. Democrats have ruined the country. I never thought I would say that growing up with democratic ideals however I realize now that in 2000 that party changed. I have aligned myself with the Green Party which actually tries to help ALL in need not just hypocritically one race. That is by definition NOT LIBERAL. liberals also TOLERATE other views we do not CENSOR we do n not have the need. These insane democrats who have time and again hypocritically supported only one or two groups such as homosexuals and Blacks hate the poor and other groups whom they should be helping and who they HATE and ignore and have NO TOLERANCE for. They stand there saying “be tolerant” and then call everyone in Pennsylvania or insert any other state a bible thumpin redneck like that idiot president Obama. Black Americans have Liberals hating them for their obvious ungratefulness for all the worl we did on equality and now they want special perks and attention. They are narcissists expecting and acting entitled when they represent 13 out of every 100 people. We now are forced to see more than half black casts on tv shows and I am told in the us all your commercials. I am lucky I left the us when it began getting bad in 2001 I was in my twenties. I was attacked by an aggressive black woman and decided to leave since I was not protected under the unconstitutional Hate crime law because I am white. This woman attacked me precisely because i am white and she was jealous that her boyfriend preferred me. There are no incidences of white women attacking black women but every day there are cases fo White women being attacked by black women and no one hears about it because the agenda is to elevate black people and deny their crimes. They commit 50 percent of the crime and almost 50 percent of their population is imprisoned as it should be since they COMMIT 50% of crime. There is a brainwashing done by the media painting these people as victims when ALL peoples of the world have endured slavery at one time or another EVERY SINGLE ONE. The Barbary SLave Trade in which Africans enslaved Hundreds and thousands of Europeans was far more barbaric hence the name than the african slave trade which occurred AFTER. DO aqny of these racist idiots know about the history of world empires? NO! They only know what msnbc and cnn and retarded “professors” feed them. The literature in American academia is laughable. Which is why I chose to pursue my Master’s in Europe. The so called academics at Universities are part of the brainwashing they select obscure and inaccurate texts emphasizing the political agenda of the Democrats to ensure Blacks see themselves as victims and Black Americans are too stupid to do their own research they have proved time and again.