During the Obama regime, the Republicans blasted the Democrats for their budget deficits, even though the Bush administration regularly posted budget deficits. Today, the GOP seems rather indifferent to President Donald Trump’s spending ways.
On Monday, the White House released its draft $4.4 trillion budget, And it is terrifying because it projects immense deficits and debts.
Here is what the deficits look like moving forward:
– $832 billion in 2018.
– $984 billion in 2019.
– $987 billion in 2020.
– $916 billion in 2021.
– $908 billion in 2022.
– $778 billion in 2023.
This is more than $5 trillion that will be added to the national debt by 2023.
So much for fiscal responsibility.
Are the Democrats pleased? Nope. Obviously confused, various Democrats say the budget makes dramatic cuts to essential programs, even though it does the exact opposite.
This is why you cannot trust Republicans. They will tell you everything fiscal conservatives love to hear: balanced budgets, tax cuts, spending reductions, the elimination of the national debt. But when they get into power, they do the exact opposite.
Trump has done some things that should be lauded: cutting corporate taxes, slashing regulations, and encouraging passage of Right to Try. But it is policies like these that make you hang your head in shame. Is there really any crucial difference between Obama and Trump? The wars are still being waged, the deficits are still ballooning, and reckless spending persists.
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