No longer do you need to invade foreign lands with boots on the ground and directly kill innocent civilians. Thanks to the rise of drones, the military can interfere into the domestic affairs of other nations and kill innocent men, women, and children in the comfort of an air-conditioned room.
And the Pentagon wants to do more of this.
The Center for the Study of the Drone at Bard College released a new report that found the Department of Defense wants to triple the number of drones by next year. According to the Fiscal Year 2019 budget, the Pentagon is demanding three times as many new air, ground, and sea drones.
Overall, the Pentagon is requesting 3,447 new drones and $9.39 billion in drone spending.
Here are the documents:
The drone wars have just begun. And there won’t be any pushback from the Republicans or Democrats.
“… kill innocent men, women, and children in the comfort of an air-conditioned room”
Perhaps better drones won’t kill the innocent and will focus on the tools of war such as chemical weapons and nuclear materials. Perhaps the comfort of an air-conditioned room will lead to better military decisions. AI can’t do it all.