One of the funniest jurisdictions in the world is Washington, D.C.
The politicians running the country keep flip flopping based on political expediency. The Democrats will champion a particulary cause and then abandon it. The Republicans will promote a specific policy and then abandon it.
A great example is raising the debt ceiling. During the Bush years, the Democrats were apoplectic about the debt ceiling. Then came Obama and they were fine with it. Ditto for the GOP. During the Bush years, they were placid about the debt ceiling. Then came Obama and they were perturbed by the debt ceiling. Now the Republicans are happy with raising the debt ceiling again because they’re in power.
On Thursday, the Republican National Committee (RNC) released a video of the Democrats slamming former FBI director James Comey. When he first cleared Hillary Clinton of wrongdoing, they celebrated him. When he then reopened the case, they wanted his head. The RNC is pointing this out with Comey’s new book making headlines.
Here is the clip:
GOP Releases Brutal Video Of Democrats Attacking @Comey‘s Credibility
— Ryan Saavedra 🇺🇸 (@RealSaavedra) April 12, 2018
You gotta love Washington. It’s a town of hypocrisy and mendacity, void of any real conviction.
I have been voting for Rs and Ds for the last 43 years and will no longer vote and support our corrupt government both state and federal. They give lip service to our real problems and do nothing but take and waste more tax dollars each year.
Just remember what Mark Twain said – “If voting made any real difference, they would not let us do it.”
None of my votes since 1974 has made any difference, so M. T. was right.