Fiscal conservatism in America is dead. During the reign of former President Barack Obama, the Republicans railed against the waste, spending and debt, promising to adopt fiscal responsibility when they took office. As always, it was all talk, no action.
Now that the GOP controls the White House, the House, and the Senate, they have an opportunity to enact real spending cuts and balanced budgets. But they don’t want to.
Case in point, Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) recently proposed a balanced budget amendment that would slash $13 trillion over 10 years and bring the budget to balance in five years. He said the GOP had the opportunity to prove that they’re not the same as Democrats and show they care about the debt.
So, what happened?
The senate voted 21-76 against Paul’s “penny plan.”
This prompted Paul to slam his colleagues, telling the Fox Business Network:
“Republicans are, in the abstract, for balanced budgets. But as you saw yesterday, the majority of the Republican senators are really not for the balanced budget. They’re only for it in the abstract,” he said. “We also need to be concerned that they have a trillion of our debt. And my concern with security is that we need to be not so dependent on countries that hold so much of our debt.”
Like on foreign policy, there is only one party on spending.
Laughable! And you thought voting Republican was going to result in fiscal responsibility and our jobs coming back? Stupid is as stupid does America.
Who do you think is responsible for your low wages and lost jobs? The very same people you voted into office. It’s like Republican voters have Stockholm syndrome.