Well, Judge Brett Kavanaugh has been confirmed to serve on the Supreme Court of the United States for the rest of his life. So, you can close that chapter and open up a new one of Democrats outraged about something else.
But before you do, here is a hilarious clip of Senate Democrats being hypocrites on the FBI investigation of Kavanaugh.
First, they demanded an FBI investigation. Then, they requested a one-week probe. Then, they admonished anyone who dared criticize the FBI. Then, when they got their wish, they called the FBI and the report a sham all because they didn’t get the conclusion they wanted.
That’s politics for you.
Here is the video:
The real crazies are claiming that since Chuck Schumer has a niece who is an actress, Dr. Ford did not actually testify at the Senate Hearing about Kavanaugh, but rather it was actress Amy Schumer. That is not true. However, it is theoretically possible, in that it does not violate any laws of physics nor require time travel. No laws of science would be violated if Hollywood make-up experts were able to make Amy Schumer look like Dr. Ford.
What is not possible is that Dr. Ford misidentified Kavenaugh, Judge, Gaudette and J.C. as the people she was with on July 1, 1982 at Timmy Gaudette’s house in Rockville MD. Once Ford’s account included three other people she said were there and his calendar also had them all at Tim’s house on July 1, 1982, the only way that Kavanaugh is not lying is either: Ford somehow previously obtained access to his 1982 diary/calendar, or Ford has a time machine or Ford stalked Kavanaugh in 1982 and planned to do this, if and when he was nominated to the Supreme Court.
The most disappointing aspect was that reporters on television interviewing Republicans who said they believed that something happened to Dr. Ford, not asking if the Republicans could come up with any possible scenario where Dr. Ford correctly identified the date and place as well as the four males there, before it was known that Kavanaugh’s diary/calendar unambiguously puts Kavanaugh and three people Ford identified as being there in the same house on July 1, 1982.
Ford’s knowledge of who was there and Kavanough’s denial that he was there, would be enough to convict Kavanaugh in any criminal court if he denied being there at the time. Any trained law enforcement officer knows this, as does anyone who has seen a police program on TV.
If the FBI had heard Ford’s story during a background check, and if the FBI had obtained his 1982 diary/calendar, the only issue would be whether he would be allowed to resign his Federal judge position quietly or not so quietly. Now the truth will eventually come out and it will be much worse for Kavanaugh.
Once Ford’s account included three people she said were there and his calendar had them all at Tim’s house on July 1, 1982, the only way that Kavanaugh is not lying is either: Ford somehow obtained access to his 1982 diary/calendar, or Ford has a time machine or Ford stalked Kavanaugh in 1982 and planned to do this, if and when he was nominated to the Supreme Court.
In any normal case where BOTH the victim and the defendant’s calendar unambiguously put defendant and three people the victim identified as being there, the defendant would not dispute that he was there, but rather he would argue it was consensual. That train has left already for Kavanaugh.
There are some very interesting aspects of this case regarding how victims of sexual assault are treated and reproductive rights. However, unfortunately every word said or printed about those aspects draws attention away from the fact that the 1982 diary/calendar proves that Ford has identified the correct people.
If the FBI was prevented from stating the fact that the 1982 diary/calendar proves that Ford has identified the correct people, we are in much more trouble than we think.
To those hyper-partisan Democrats who wanted the FBI to conduct an investigation, then complained to anyone who bothered to listen that they got the wrong result because of doing a poor investigation, I have something to say to you all.
YOU losers had the chance to do your own investigation with your staff. YOU allowed Di-Fi to sit on the letter for two whole months. YOU didn’t want to do your damn jobs, so you farmed it out to the FBI. YOU had a choice. YOU abdicated your responsibility to do the right thing, and trusted that someone else would do it for you. Then YOU have the nerve to complain that the people YOU wanted to do YOUR job didn’t do a good job.
YOU dim-bulb Democrats got what you wanted: An FBI investigation. The only problem is that they came to a different conclusion than your prejudiced opinion.
As far as I’m concerned, you may have not gotten what you wanted. But you got what you deserved. Good and hard.