The U.S. stock market is beginning to see the effects of rising interest rates, which are still – believe it or not – at historic lows. With money supply growth moderating, unable to sustain the current bull market, leading stock indexes are experiencing an ocean of red ink.
Here is what markets are looking at:
This is going to be the norm moving forward. The benefits of fiscal policy are waning, a cap is going to be placed on the U.S. dollar’s ascent, and inflation is on the horizon.
It seems the good times are going to come to a halt.
President Donald Trump better hope he loses the 2020 election, otherwise he will be blamed for the next financial crisis.
When you nations financial system is based on fiat currency and manipulations by a private banking system (know as the Federal Reserve); the economic stability is suspect at best.
Prepare yourself personally , because it could go bad quickly!