What’s up with democratic socialism these days?
It is becoming apparent day by day that Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) is gearing up for a presidential run in 2020 or 2024. She is on the speaking circuit and delivering her progressive ideas, no matter how asinine they may be.
She recently gave a speech at the School of Public Affairs at America University, where she lamented fee trade. But the remarks had a turn for the worst when she decried that former Soviet Union states adopted private property rights.
Here is the speech from the first U.S. Native American senator to be re-elected:
Imagine a Trump-Warren debate. That would be hilarious.
The US is a bankrupt warmongering police state.
The cracks are showing.
Bankers and insurance agents have an exaggerated laugh.
Old men either have a sense humor or are angry.
Young people are apathetic.
Girls are either fat or are sluts.
Everything is fake.
Doctors say dangerous drugs are safe.
Ivy League MBA’s say endless debt is a sustainable economic policy.
Professors say worthless degrees are valuable.
The US is supposed to be a free country, but now is a police state.
The USA used to believe in peace, but now is a warmonger.
The US used to have morals, but is now immoral.
Americans are so enslaved that they insist taxes are too low.
Americans don’t want to hear about government abuse and want truth-tellers to be censored and banned.