Perhaps they are emboldened by President Donald Trump or maybe they really do not believe in libertarian or conservative principles. Whatever the case, there are plenty of those on the right these days who are willing to adopt a big government approach to any issue they care about.
It’s like the left, but for their own pet causes, particularly immigration and blue-collar jobs.
In the aftermath of Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY)’s disastrous “60 Minutes” interview in which she called for a 70 percent tax rate, Ann Coulter tweeted her endorsement (we can only hope it was sarcastic). She specifically called out the Koch Brothers, likely because their support of immigration.
Here is the tweet:
Ocasio-Cortez wants a 70-80% income tax on the rich. I agree! Start with the Koch Bros. — and also make it WEALTH tax.
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) January 4, 2019
So, what the heck is going on?
Well, Robert Wenzel, editor and publisher of Economic Policy Journal and Target Liberty, has the answer: the emergence of the neoright.
He aptly writes:
What I didn’t see coming is a new type of statist right. I am not talking about the neoconservatives, they have been around for a while and are mostly concerned with foreign policy. I am thinking of a neoright that seems to have emerged that has no deep appreciation of free markets or liberty and is focused on the domestic front.
It appears this neoright has adopted Trump’s in your face style, principles, free market or otherwise, be damned. They are adopting this Trump non-principled style and are using it, in Trump fashion, however, the hell they want.
Trump has no principles and those feeding off him, including Coulter and Carlson, are taking this cue with the in your face attacks that include attacks on free markets.
Trump is thus not only energizing the socialists but he is responsible for a new kind of right, the neoright, that is not about free market principles but more in favor of banana republic style leadership and steps where any action goes if it promotes a gain for whatever these neorightists desire at the moment.
To the degree these neorightists expand influence, it will cut off even more youth from learning about free markets and liberty.
It now appears that in the age of Trump both the left and right are facing a situation where there are very few sources where they can learn about free market economics and liberty.
Let’s hope this term “neoright” gains some steam in political discourse.
Time to start the wealth tax right at Ann Coulter’s income bracket and above, 50% and no lower. I am ok with that, starting today. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
I have lost the little respect I had for Ann, with her latest musings. She needs to have a mental checkup real soon.