Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) is never short of hyperbole, often employing theatrics to gain media spotlight. We saw this when he claimed to have a “Spartacus moment,” when he repeatedly told the press that he is a “rulebreaker,” and now when he likens a green new deal to fighting Nazis.
The 2020 presidential candidate told a campaign event in Iowa that the planet is in peril, and only the government can prevent the end of the world from happening. But that doesn’t make any sense because AOC told us the world will end in 12 years!
Here is what Booker said:
“There’s a lot of people blowing back on the Green New Deal. They’re going, ‘Oh, it’s impractical, oh it’s too expensive, oh it’s all of this. If we used to govern our dreams that way, we would have never gone to the moon.
We need to be bold again in America. We need to have dreams that other people say are impossible. We need to push the bounds of human potential. Because that is our history. When the planet has been in peril in the past, who came forward to save the earth from the scourge of Nazi and totalitarian regimes? We came forward. Who came forward to save the planet or continents from financial ruin? We came forward with the Marshall Plan.”
First, the trip to the moon was a waste of resources and capital. Economist Walter Block was right when he said the funding for the moon adventure would have been better used for rocket science.
Second, why does everyone want to compare it to the New Deal? The New Deal was a disastrous policy that extended the Great Depression. It overhauled the national economy and increased the size and scope of the government.
Third, this proposal is not only impractical, it is outright stupid. Within 10 years, it wants to replace or retrofit every building in the country, replace airplanes with high-speed trains, install charging stations “everywhere,” give everyone a government job, and abolish “farting cows.” That’s just a tip of the iceberg.
Right now, it seems like the only two people with a shot at the presidency is Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) and former Vice President Joe Biden (if he ever declares his candidacy).
Like slaves, Americans beg for their chains.
The elites tell Americans that they don’t need freedom and Americans nod their heads and agree that they don’t need freedom.
Has anyone noticed the elites create a problem and then offer a solution?
The elites say North Korea must be invaded because they torture and have nuclear bombs, but no one points out that the US also tortures and has nuclear bombs. No one wonders if another war will add to the US debt, increase refugees, or lead to terrorism.
The 1% says the minimum wage must be increased, but no one questions if higher minimum wages will slow the economy or increase prices.
Our overlords say sodas must be banned because sodas are unhealthy, but no one mentions that no one died from drinking sodas 20 years ago.
The ruling class says a wall must be built to stop illegal aliens, but no one thinks that the US used to have open borders. No one wonders if a wall will be used to keep Americans in, not to keep illegal immigrants out.
The 1% says airbags must be added to cars, but no one mentions that airbags kill people.
The elites say we must have electronic voting machines, but no one wonders in electronic voting machines can be hacked.
The 1% says companies must have bailouts to prevent a recession, but no one mentions that the economy will recover without bailouts.
The ruling class says doctors must have licenses, but no one wonders if regulations increase health care costs.
Our overlords says guns must be banned, but no one points out how will you protect yourself without a gun.
The globalists say protests must be banned, but no one questions how can people resist tyranny without protesting.
The ruling powers newspapers must be shut down to prevent fake news, but no one wonders if the government would tell the truth without a free press.
The 1% says carrying cash or depositing less than $10,000 in your own bank account must be illegal to prevent drug use, but no one questions how can you live when everything is a crime.
The elites say drugs must be banned, but no one points that alcohol prohibition led to more crime.
The ruling class says Fascism and Communism are the American way, but no one mentions that the US fought Nazis and Commies in the past.
The 1% says that we must have a trade war to help the economy, but no one mentions a trade war made the Great Depression worse.
Our overlords says we must buy car insurance, but no one wonders how many drivers have a vested interest in crashing their cars.
The ruling powers says we must have food stamps, but no one mentions that private charities can provide welfare.
The elites say that the US must close mosques and have TSA groping, CIA torture, kill lists, and NSA wiretapping to stop terrorism, but no one points out that the US has a Bill of Rights.
The 1% says we must have pilot licenses, business licenses, driver licenses, and fishing licenses, but no one points out that there was a time when people could fly, run a business, drive, and fish safely without state permission. No one says documents can be forged and officials can be bribed.
Americans are so enslaved now that patriots who warn about the dangers of tyranny will be slammed for criticizing the beloved overlords of Americans.
Americans are such enslaved zombies now that they will say they live in a free country while they get sent to the concentration camps and climb into the ovens.
Every country has the government it deserves.