The rumors of capitalism’s death have been greatly exaggerated.
For the last few years, the polls have found increasing support for socialism and growing disapproval for capitalism (SEE: Study: Half of U.S. millennials want to live under socialism, 18% say Karl Marx is their ‘hero’). This has led many to believe that capitalism is dying a slow death as future generations take control and embrace an ideology of envy, greed, deprivation, and death.
But it seems that we’re not quite there … yet.
According to a new Fox News poll, Americans have an overall positive view of capitalism, and it certainly beats approval for socialism.
The survey discovered that 57 percent of U.S. voters hold a positive opinion of capitalism, which is more than double than the support for socialism (25 percent).
The same poll also found that only 34 percent support saying “lend me a hand,” down from 41 percent in 2018. Meanwhile, more than half (55 percent) support the saying “leave me alone,” up from 51 percent.
That’s good news!
That IS good news!