For years, the left (rightly so) hated former President George W. Bush, calling him every name in the book, from a monkey to a war criminal. To the left, Bush was the worst person since Adolf Hitler… that is until Donald Trump became president.
In the last year or two, Bush 43 and the media have engaged in a sort of apology tour to mend their differences from more than a decade ago.
And, it seems that former Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) has joined Ellen DeGeneres in falling head over heels for W.
Speaking in an interview with the Counterfeit News Network, the former senator revealed that he wishes Bush was president again, despite slamming him at every opportunity when he occupied the White House.
Don’t believe it? Here’s the clip:
There’s a reason why many on the left are accused of having Trump Derangement Syndrome. While President Donald Trump wouldn’t score a 100 percent rating from libertarians, he has still been somewhat of an improvement from his predecessors, even if it’s based on rhetoric alone.
To be fair, though, it wouldn’t matter which Republican won the 2016 election – they would have been treated with the same vitriol, derangement, and Hitler comparisons as Trump. That’s why you can’t believe the left when they say that so and so is Literally Hitler.
The US is an immoral bankrupt warmongering police state.
Those who warned about black helicopters and jack-booted thugs twenty years ago were called nutjobs.
Ten or fifteen years ago, patriotic and thinking Americans really started to worry about the direction of the USA.
Today most Americans know something is wrong, but they either don’t know what or don’t care.
The few Americans who are awake are increasingly becoming more pessimistic as the US obviously declines. The situation in USA looks hopeless.
Everyday the elites make more laws, the debt rises, wars are conducted, and Americans become more immoral.
Courts won’t rule against unconstitutional laws, politicians don’t repeal laws, the Gestapo has become more brazen, no one cares about government spending, wars are not being ended, and Americans are not flocking to churches and embracing morality.
Trump is either part of the establishment, naive, or being drugged or threatened to build the police state, increase the debt, and keep the wars going.
Some say the USA could last another 100 years, but that outlook seems unlikely.
Concerned Americans who once didn’t take the US collapse seriously are wondering what to do.
Buying guns, gold, and food is good advice, but something more must be done other than just waiting for the US Ponzi economy to implode, riots to happen, Civil War 2.0 to break out, the concentration camps to open, and WWIII to start.
Having a few thousand prepared Americans won’t do much good against the evil ruling class when they launch their final solution against the 99%.
The US needs millions of Americans to get out into the streets with pitchforks and torches now. Windows will need to be broken, people are going to be arrested, and people are going to die.
Americans must start making sacrifices today to wake people up, prepare, protest, and resist.
Americans need to talk to everyone to get the word out. Americans need to spend some money to start websites, print up flyers, and rent billboards.
If Americans remain quiet then there is nothing to stop the ruling powers from sending the 99% off to the gulags.
This is no joke.
Anyone who has eyes and studied a little bit of history can tell you what’s going to happen.