What was a fringe concept among the intellectuals 20 years ago has morphed into an accepted principle on the left. While it is one of the impractical policies put forward, the idea of reparations for descendants of slaves has made it to the forefront of the Democratic Party. Even though nobody alive today was a slave, and most people don’t even have a direct connection to anybody who was a slave, the left thinks it would be a bright idea to give black people money.
Right now, the three champions of reparations are Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA), and former Mayor Juan Castro.
Castro was asked by the Counterfeit News Network’s Jake Tapper:
“Do you think that there should be actual monetary payments to descendants of slaves? Do support more like what Senator Sanders is talking about, policies such as child care and education that help those who are disadvantaged?”
This is how Castro responded:
“Well, you know, what I said was that I’ve long believed that this country should address slavery, the original sin of slavery, including by looking at reparations, and if I’m president, then I’m going to appoint a commission or task force to determine the best way to do that. There’s a tremendous amount of disagreement on how we would do that.”
He then added you shouldn’t dismiss a proposal of “writing a big check.”
“So, if under the Constitution, we compensate people because we take their property, why wouldn’t you compensate people who actually were property?” Castro concluded.
Most proponents of this program are talking about blacks, but why not extend it further to other groups who have been victims of slavery?
The Chinese, the Japanese, the Brazilians, the Egyptians, the Irish, the Jews, and, believe it or not, whites (Barbary Slave Trade).
If you travel down this rabbit hole, then you open up Pandora’s box. Since every race has been enslaved at one point in history, then shouldn’t everyone should be given reparations.
Legendary economist Thomas Sowell had it right:
Seen in this light, the demand for reparations may seem like an exercise in futility. However, seen as a source of a lasting unmet grievance, it is a stroke of genius to keep blacks separated from other Americans and an aggrieved constituency to support black “leaders” in politics, organizations and movements.
This demand also mobilizes a certain amount of support or sympathy among whites, especially those in the media and in academia, where such support or sympathy costs nothing, and allows those who give it to relieve their own sense of guilt, while risking other people’s money — and national cohesion. Some white politicians can also benefit at little or no cost to themselves by expressing sympathy with the reparations cause or even voting for meaningless apologies for what others did centuries ago.
For these various groups, reparations is a win-win issue. For everyone else, including the vast majority of blacks, it is a lose-lose issue.
You can’t blame people for supporting this idea. If you’re told day in and day out that you are impoverished because of an even that happened 200 years ago, then you will believe it. It’s easier than introspection.
The US is not a free country.
The government and illegal immigrants don’t obey the law, so why should Americans obey the law and pay taxes that they didn’t vote for?
The USA is no longer a democracy. Everything is illegal and everyone is a criminal. Obeying the law is difficult when the laws constantly change, the laws are contradictory, and our overlords don’t even tell us what the laws are.
Everything is against the law, but the Gestapo can arrest you for resisting arrest, obstruction of justice, racketeering, or conspiracy even if you have done nothing wrong.