Did you hear? Former Massachusetts Governor Bill Weld is running for president. Yeah, he made the announcement earlier this year, but this is a new (sort of) announcement.
Weld, who ran as the Libertarian running mate of Gary Johnson in 2016 and vowed to always be a part of the LP moving forward, will be challenging President Donald Trump in the GOP primaries.
In a statement announcing his candidacy on Monday:
“It is time for patriotic men and women across our great nation to stand and plant a flag. It is time to return to the principles of Lincoln – equality, dignity, and opportunity for all. There is no greater cause on earth than to preserve what truly makes America great. I am ready to lead that fight.”
He also compared Trump to (sigh) Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party.
Well, I’m going to publicize it. I’m going to remind everybody that during the 2016 campaign the Trump campaign circulated images of George Lincoln Rockwell. George Lincoln Rockwell was the founder of the American Nazi Party, and the white supremacists who saw those knew exactly who George Lincoln Rockwell was, and they heard the dog whistle loud and clear. It was almost like a clandestine campaign, because so much of it was conducted with words that weren’t uttered publicly.
I’m putting them in the same sentence, but, you know, I think the President, he makes no bones about the fact, he says “America First,” which was Charles Lindbergh’s fifth column before World War Two, and he says “I’m a nationalist.” Well, it is the Party that took over in Nazi Germany in the nineteen-thirties. So that’s the Nationalist Worker’s Party.
Humph. Interesting.
You can count this as a vanity run because he has zero shot of ousting President Trump. Even if he were to beat Trump, he’d have zero shot of getting elected in 2020.
Of course, the media will have a newfound affinity for Bill “I’m here vouching for Hillary Clinton” Weld for the simple act of trying to beat Trump. They will call him the sane Republican or the logical Republican. Then, they’d turn their backs on him faster than Donald Trump changing his mind on a policy issue.
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