So, the Senate successfully passed the 9/11 First-Responders Compensation Fund after a week or two of controversy because Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) wanted to find ways to pay for it, which prompted his critics to demand violence on him.
To celebrate the occasion, President Donald Trump spoke to some first-responders that was televised by the press. There was one moment during his speech that the media pounced, but their coverage was fake news.
A Vox journalist, the Counterfeit News Network, an MSNBC reporter, and other online media outlets claimed that the president suggested he was a first-responder. But he said the exact opposite. It’s on tape!
Here is the segment that the media is lying about (starts at 0:32):
He clearly says he does not consider himself a first-responder.
But don’t tell that to the folks who suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome and would love for him to say he is.
Look, there are so many things to go after Trump on, from fiscal mismanagement to foreign policy. This is not one of them. This is why hardly anyone trusts the mainstream media anymore.
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