Hey, if a small Ohio town can dissolve its government, then why can’t 300 million Americans dissolve the federal government?
Residents of Amelia, Ohio voted to dissolve the government and disband the city because of excessive taxation.
Jeff Charles of Red State has the story:
The brouhaha began when the city council voted to impose a 1% income tax on residents without seeking their input on the matter. King George — I mean, the local government notified residents by sending them a letter after they had already made the decision. How considerate.
A 1% tax might seem like small potatoes, but there is more context that should be understood. Residents of the city already pay about $1,400 annually in state income taxes. They cough up about $780 each year in-state sales tax and $130 in local sales tax. All of this is washed down with a cold glass of property taxes that average about $3,300 per year. The new tax would have added a little over $600 each year.
Imagine if every jurisdiction had brave and heroic citizens who would get angry over tax hikes? That would be quite the world to live in.
Taxation is theft!
Afew years ago Gerald Celente predicted that,as the economy deteriorates, local governments would start robbing citizens